Wednesday, May 18, 2011

fact or fiction

Hey everyone, my name is Norma Berben. In the last quarter I have read Parable of the Sower. Octavia Butler has a great imagination. The book is a fictional book but I do believe, in other countries people are living the same way as the book. The book is about chaos in Los Angeles. Global warming has cause people to turn violent because of the lack of resource. It is not a safe place because violence happens twenty four seven. Children can’t get educated because of the fear of getting killed. It’s a very sad place to live because people get murder on a daily. For my communication 150 class I study a country call Liberia. This country is the same thing as the book. The majority of the country is in poverty, violence is a common thing, and there no money or resources to survive. The book may be fictional but thing like the story plot actually happen in poor nations. Yes the book is very sad but events like the books are happening right now. I am pretty sure Liberia is not the only country living like the book parable of the sower. This could happen to anyone. I really don’t think it would happen to Los Angeles because the United State is one of the riches countries in the world. Also, the government is very powerful. With a strong government is very unlikely to happen. Butler makes out good points but the reality is, this actually happens, maybe not in Los Angeles but it does happen.

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