Friday, August 3, 2012

Blog 2

Although David Korn does have a point that we should all want to contribute to the advancements in science. I think that each and every one of us should have the right to decide how our bits and pieces are used. After all they are still our bits and pieces. As far as everyone benefiting from this I'm not too convinced that this is entirely true, or at least only partially true. Those who have money will get the treatment they need and those who don't might not be able to obtain it; at least in this country. A perfect example would be the Lacks family. Their mother's cells were responsible for so many medical breakthroughs and advancements ; however the family is so poor that they cant even afford to seek good medical attention. Where is the fairness in that? The way I see it if i'm not allowed to inexpensive medical care when I need it, I think I have the right to deny the use of my bits and pieces. This shouldn't be a one way system. Another thing that concerns me with our profit-driven health care system is that any medical advancements that might that take place might not always be to help humanity but rather the insurance companies and pharmaceutical companies.  Allowing profit to guide research is dangerous. People who give the money for this type of research in which profit is the goal do not want our well being. Curing people of their diseases would not be good business.

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