Hello my name is Alexis R. and I am a students of professor J.Hicks. In class we have been reading alot of different stories. Most of them have to do something with the environment. We had many different things to write about such as the environment , race , class, gender etc. Last quarter we read the story Parable of the Sower by Octavia E. Butler. 50 years from now i can only imagine the how the world would be . I think it would be similar to the story Parable of the Sower because the prices of things are becoming extremely to high . Due to that people are not going to be able to afford the things and are going to start acting like the people that live outside of the walls breaking in and stealing so that they can make a living .
Another big concern that was in the book was water . Water was expensive and many people couldn't afford it . If we don't take care of our environment we are going to wonder why we don't have anything because we didn't take the time to clean up or care for our environment . I think in 50 years from now water is going to be one of our main concerns because we pollute or water , take 30 minute showers about two to three times a day or just waist water period. Sooner or later were going to wonder why water is so expensive just like in the story Parable of the Sower.
If we start taking care of our environment we shouldn't have to worry about water or the prices of thing becoming to high. So maybe we should start now!
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