Hi everyone, my name is Veronica Cano and like most of the people above I'm also a student enrolled in Calstate, LA. I am also currently a student in Jenny Hick's English Stretch Composition class. In our class we are currently focussed in a topic that deals with the environment due to this we were assigned to read Parable of the Sower by Octavia E. Butler during our winter quarter. At first I must admit I was not excited nor looking forward to reading this novel, but all I had to do was read the first page for my whole perspective about the novel to changed drastically. It came to a point that I did not want to put the book down. I was interesting to know how Lauren would react to her obstacles and how others life's where affected and obstacles they had. I was always hooked to know what Lauren was going to have to confront, and her reactions, but most importantly how she would have to overcome these obstacles.
This novel is based in a dystopian world and although this is a fictional novel this has a lot events that can occur to us at a later date. In the novel she describes her world and what could be our future as a world where there is pollution, diseases, violence and poverty. This all happen because people like us did not bother to take care of their environment. This is something that sounds like us we don't take care of our environment and we really never put to much thought into what could happened in the future. This is a novel that is based on real outcomes we can later face because of the way we are living in today's world. In the novel Lauren portrays the lack of importance we give to our environment. Lauren explicitly explains that there are times where we don’t take care of our environment and we can simply lose things that we need. She does this with vivid description of the world she now lives in and the place which we might end up living in the future.
Parable of the Sower is the simple mirror of what we might end up as. Parable of the Sower is the image of how our world will look like in the future if we continue our ways of treating our environment. This novel was an eye opener that helped me become aware of the consequences that can happen if we do not take care of our environment wisely. It also taught me to value every bit of nature around me because one never know when all of that can end. For example water, I know I do not rake care of water very wisely. Not only would I not take care of water, but I never saw it as important or as something valuable at least not until I read this novel. I now consider water very valuable and my greatest fear is now loosing water. Not only am I taking more care of the ways i use water, but i am now concern about the fact that i live in a dessert environment which is pretty scary. I live L.A and yes theres water, but after learning that L.A is in fact a desert land I’ve come to the conclusion that i must take care of water one never know when we might just lose our ater. i mean L.A does gets its water from reservoirs that contain water from different parts of the world. And by the way people wast water we might end up with no water or may be we would might end up selling water for high price or even taxing it. I am scared to realize that we depend on a reservoirs.
How do I see my future in 50 years from today, I see my future something similar to Lauren’s world. I mean if we as continue to abuse the small amount water we simply might just end up like in the novel. In our daily routine we was water in recklessly. we sometimes do not value water and how important it is to us and the fact that water is not eternal.At least i know there are time where I leave the water running now I stop and think I’m not only one doing this therefore water is being wasted everywhere around the world. this will just lead us to land in Lauren’s world. Not only is water the only reason we might end up like that but because of all the events happening around us. Problems such as pollution, trash, violence, war and poverty. These are all things that affect us, our environment and our community. Every act that we do just makes me lead to the conclusion that we will end up in a dystopia world in a world were we will no longer have the luxury to live the way we live today not unless we do something about it.
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